I'm a web dev that mainly focuses on front-end, but has some back-end experience as well. I
spend all the rest of my time playing bass and practicing vocals. A handful of projects I've worked on include
Alarm Clock
This is an alarm clock app. You can sign up and save alarm times to your user. It was
built with React, Golang, and Docker. It is set up with automatic deployment and testing with a CI/CD pipeline
in GitlabCheck it out here!
Hacker News
Hacker News is a React-Redux front-end for the Hacker News API. This project uses the
Redux Thunk and Promise middlewares. It uses infinite scrolling to paginate and has a search feature built in.Check it out here!
Tweet This!
Tweet This! allows visitors to highlight any text on a website and immeditly Tweet about
it. I made it for the Eager marketplace. It's currently running on this site, try it now!